Direct Number +1 714-410-4042

Direct Number +1 909-284-4939

Director of Marketing & Strategic Initiatives, PVP, The Prep Group, & Gifted
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Gifted at The PREP Collective
In addition to vocational training at the school and community partnerships, students in the high school and Adult Transition classrooms run their own business, Gifted at The PREP Collective. The business is a boutique gift shop offering incredible gifts for any individual and for every occasion. Our Port View Spirit Wear is also sold through Gifted so that our schools mission and values can be shared with any individual shopping the botique. Gifted offers students a wide range of experience as they learn to dream up gifts, design spirt wear, calculate inventory, package and ship, and fulfill orders. Our hope is that through their business experience at Gifted, they will graduate PVP ready to apply for a job of their interest or develop their own business. Visit the Gifted link on our website for more information or explore the incredible gifts.
Equipping Students to Thrive
We strongly believe that our role extends beyond our school boundaries and our team does its best daily to help ensure that our students are not afraid or intimated by the outside world where we all must coexist – not only to survive but to thrive. Helping students reach their full potential is woven into our daily instruction, therapies, training, and activities. Our team is committed to providing the necessary steps and support for transitioning students into paying jobs and careers upon graduation.
With our career exploration, planning support, and community liaisons, students can align interests and skills with outside opportunities. Our support team members also function as career counselors and are trained to note general and specific interests, talents, and abilities to help guide and direct students into appropriate vocations. Based on each student’s individual job or career interests, abilities, and family backing, placements can be made.
Port View Preparatory® has an enduring partnership with Elwyn, one of the nation’s oldest private non-profit organizations serving people with intellectual, developmental and behavioral challenges.* Through this partnership, Port View Preparatory® hopes to place graduating students in retail stores, grocery stores and numerous other businesses that welcome and employ individuals with special needs.
Community Partnerships:
- Goods and Goats goodsandgoatsmarket.com
- Stowaway stowawaytiki.com
- Santa Ana Community Gardens www.santa-ana.org/community-gardens/
- Hobby Lobby www.hobbylobby.com/
- Grocery Outlet: www.groceryoutlet.com/
- Lampost Pizza: www.lamppost-backstreet.com/